Great value, easy payments
We are committed to clear and transparent pricing so you know exactly what you pay for. Select the payment that works best for you and update whenever you like.
Which payment option is best for my venue?
Estimate how much money you could save by hosting more live artists at your venue. We just need a few details to get started.
Estimate how much money you could save by hosting more live artists at your venue. We just need a few details to get started.
How many gigs do you want to host per week, per site?
per gig
Pay as you go
Subscription for up to 5 gigs a week per venue.
* Additional gigs at £9.95 per gig
compared to Pay as you go
Calculations are based on the displayed subscription plus any additional gigs required, versus Pay as you go.
per gig
Pay as you go
Pay for each gig you book
per month
Standard Access
For venues that book up to 20 gigs per month
per month
Enterprise Access
For venues that book up to 60 gigs per month